Jul 28, 2017

How Groups Voted in 2008 | Roper Center for Public Opinion 2008 Group Obama McCain All Voters Pct. 53% 45% SEX Men 47 49 48 Women 53 56 43 RACE White 74 43 55 African-American 13 95 4 Why can't anyone be honest about John McCain's legacy Aug 28, 2018 Fact check: Has Sen. John McCain voted for tax hikes The creation of TARP was the only bailout McCain voted for in 2008. In July of that year, Congress passed a bill including emergency loans for the auto industry as well as a bill to bail out mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. McCain did not cast a vote on either bill. McCain did vote …

Meghan McCain hints she’s voting for Biden over Trump

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain short-circuited when Joy Behar asked who she would vote for in November’s presidential election. The conservative McCain agreed with liberal Sunny Hostin

John McCain, former Senator for Arizona - GovTrack.us

The “D” seems to translate in McCain voting for Veterans issues 20% of the time. Many, many Democrats get “A” or 100% ratings on Veterans issues. Barack Obama voted with Veterans 80% of the time, and recorded a “B” rating. 2008 second presidential debate, Obama vs. McCain 2008 first presidential debate, Obama vs. McCain Speeches at 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul 2008 CBS News presidential interviews with Katie Couric ABC News: 2008 election interviews with Charlie Gibson Obama's Challenge, by Robert Kuttner McCain responded, “I think that I would give the benefit of the doubt to the person who alleges that.” Source: New York Times, p. A17 , Jan 25, 2000 Supports fetal tissue research; against over-intensity McCain was asked how he could be anti-abortion and still vote to support fetal tissue research. McCain said he opposed the bill because, as he told one FOX News program, he thought the benefits were too generous. In all, McCain has cast his vote 28 times against veterans. When casting their votes on Nov. 4th, veterans will be rethinking the real meaning of McCain's promise to 'take care of them.' Oct 11, 2016 · Sen. John McCain said he might write in his "old, good friend" Sen. Lindsey Graham for president when he casts his ballot next month, because he can't bring himself to vote for either Donald Trump The Arizona Republican Party formally censured Sen. John McCain late Saturday, citing a voting record they say is insufficiently conservative. The resolution to censure McCain was approved by a voice-vote during a meeting of state committee members in Tempe, state party spokesman Tim Sifert said. Jun 15, 2016 · McCain is facing a tough re-election challenge from Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat. In previous elections years, lawmakers have tended to vote on the defense bill after the general elections.