The most extreme places we hide Christmas presents – are

Oct 04, 2019 7 Places I have tried to hide my kids’ Christmas gifts Novice fail. I’ll never forget the year I made a total novice mom move and hid the Christmas gifts … Top 5 Most Extreme Hiding Places For Christmas Presents

Dec 14, 2019

Where to Hide the Christmas Presents With Black Friday come and gone and only a few weeks left to shop ‘til you drop for everyone on your list, you’re probably thinking about where you can hide the gifts that you’re buying until they’re wrapped and set under the Christmas tree.

Oct 27, 2018

Garage. The garage is the perfect place to hide the gift, as long as the children unable to access … How to (Successfully) Hide a Gift! : 7 Steps (with Prep the Gift. First you need to choose the gift you're going to hide . I highly recommend wrapping … 10 Ways to Hide Christmas Presents From the Kids - Nerdy Mamma Nov 28, 2017