Mixminion: Design of a Type III Anonymous Remailer Protocol

Cypherpunks are activists who advocate the widespread use of strong cryptography (writing in code) as a route to progressive change. Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of and visionary behind WikiLeaks, has been a leading voice in the cypherpunk movement since its inception in the 1980s. Remailers - Wowarea A Cypherpunk remailer sends the message to the recipient stripping away the sender address on it. You can not answer to the message sent via Cyperpunk remailer. You can encrypt the message sent to the remailer, and the remailer will decrypt it and send it to the … Companies Deliver Crappy Software > cYpherpunK.at Pieter Heerema is a skilled sailor currently taking part in the Vendee Globe, the world’s hardest race around the globe. It is a single-handed non-stop sailing race which lasts about 10 to 12 weeks. Pieter had an unexpected severe problem with his auto pilot in the middle of the southern Indian ocean, 4500 kilometers away … Continue reading

Posted 12/1/16 10:33 AM, 997 messages

An anonymous remailer is specialized kind of mail server designed to send e-mail messages without identifying the sender. Many of them are provided as a free service. Imagine being in protective custody or being a journalist and you want to get an e-mail out without being discovered. Cypherpunk remailers were a big advance over the pseudo remailer - cryptonomiconhq Remailer. 匿名でメールを送受信したり、USENET に投稿するのに anonymous remailer (匿名リメイラー) があります。 Remailerの種類 Type-I anonymous remailer (Cypherpunk) ヘッダ情報を削除して次の転送先へメールを転送する。PGP で暗号化してメッセージを転送させる事も可能。

Cypherpunk Remailers (v2) [austria]

The term “cypherpunk” was first used by hacker and programmer Jude Milhon to a group of crypto-anarchists. In 1995, Julian Assange , the creator of WikiLeaks, published his first post in Cypherpunk the Origin of Wikileaks